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Mother and Daughter at Museum
Visiting Museums + Galleries with Kids

Visiting anything cultural with your children can be stressful at the best of times. Gone are the days when on a whim you could decide to nip into a museum to gaze upon your favorite painting or sculpture. Remember those moments of peaceful restoration in front of your favorite artwork or hotly anticipated exhibition? For... Read more »

Child Crying over Dinner
What is “Normal” When it Comes to Picky Eating?

If you read the post here on How to Handle a Picky Eater, you hopefully felt empowered to take action in a variety of ways with your picky eater. With advice on where to start when you already feel stuck, this article outlined four main areas parents can begin to work through to better approach... Read more »

Children Embracing
Circle Time, Anytime!

Picture this: it’s your kids birthday and you have ten very sugar high children to entertain. Or, maybe you’re chaperoning a field trip and you’ve got a long wait and five kids who are dying of boredom. Or perhaps there’s a family gathering and all the cousins are tired of hanging out with the adults... Read more »

Child with Rabbit
Tips for Adopting Your First Family Pet

This week on Caitie’s Classroom we’re learning all about pets! During the field trip, Caitie visited The Toronto Humane Society and learned all about the dogs, cats, rabbits, turtles, rats and hamsters that are looking for loving forever homes. With the help of the Toronto Humane Society, we’re going to share our top tips everyone... Read more »

Mom and Son Preparing Smoothie
Getting Kids Involved in the Kitchen

There is great value in having children in the kitchen as we prepare meals and baked goods. It can lead to a bigger mess at times and some recipes may take a little longer but the benefits for our children are priceless! The feeling of autonomy and the opportunity to contribute are wonderful for the... Read more »

Family Eating Dinner
One Meal for the Whole Family

One meal for the whole family: how to not short-order cook and still be successful In Facebook groups for parents, with clients, and among friends, I hear it all the time: Meal times with kids are stressful. We are faced with not only what to fix day after day, but also the confusion of what... Read more »

Mother and Two Children with iPad
Why Speech Language Pathologists Love Super Simple

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, and as a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) it is my favorite time of year because it gets people talking about speech and language development, spreads awareness of hearing and communication disorders, and helps get children much needed early intervention. Speech therapists work on many different communication skills, one... Read more »

Milo with his Chore Chart and Buttons
Learning the Value of Money with Milo!

“Children as young as three to five years of age are developing the basic skills and attitudes that lay the foundation for later financial well-being.” – Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Resources for Parents and Caregivers These skills are known as “executive function” and they lay the groundwork for future decision-making by building our capacity to... Read more »

Child with Camera
Tips & Tricks for Photographing Children

Landscapes, fashion, animals, there are many challenges in photography but the most challenging subjects to work with are children. Whether it’s a child who won’t sit still or one who’d rather be the photographer than the subject you have to think pretty creatively to get the shot you’re hoping for. Today we’ll look at three... Read more »

Child with Bowl of Berries
Finger Foods for Toddlers: Go-To Staple Meal Ideas

Toddlerhood is such an exciting time of development, especially when it comes to feeding and what foods our children are increasingly able to eat. With this season of transition however, some parents struggle to come up with easy meal ideas that are appropriate for toddlers.  For parents transitioning off of purees and solely to table... Read more »

Turtle with Plastic Bag
5 Easy Ways to Reduce Plastic at Home

Have you ever stopped to think about how much plastic you use every day? From the time you wake up to the time you go to bed, there are probably dozens of plastic items that you encounter — sandwiches covered in plastic wrap, plastic bags from the errands we do over our lunch hour, straws... Read more »

Child with Candy
How to Handle Sugar in the Diet : a Sticky Subject Simplified

Marshmallow peeps, pastel covered candies, and Cadbury eggs are all around us at the grocery store. Ironically, it is also National Nutrition Month and a time of year when registered dieticians make a point to help teach the public how to make more informed food choices and develop sound eating and physical activity habits.  With... Read more »

stack of books with child's cup on top
Tip the Balance towards Readers

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”  – Benjamin Franklin This quote is all parents really need to know to encourage their young children to become readers. Parenting is a hands-on endeavor so involve them in the learning-to-read-process, by engaging with them, verbally and through play! When... Read more »

Get Ready for Halloween
Get Ready For Halloween

Halloween is one of our favorite holidays here at Super Simple! We think Halloween is such a great time for learning, that we have created tons and tons of resources for you to use in the classroom or at home. See our Halloween Page for songs, worksheets, flashcards, and more. Below is a roundup of... Read more »

babies at halloween
5 ways to make Halloween parties less scary for young kids

We always try to stress the playfulness of Halloween. It’s a time for dressing up, playing games, singing songs, carving pumpkins, trick-or-treating, etc. However, even if you don’t have a haunted house or spooky music at your Halloween party, it can still be a scary time for many young children. People are wearing masks, some... Read more »

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