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Super Simple Summer Games!
Super Simple Summer Games!

Welcome to the Super Simple Summer Games! This is your official game hub, so bookmark and share this page with friends and Super Simple fans for all things sports and outdoor fun! 

Let's Go For A Walk Outside Scavenger Hunt
Let’s Go For A Walk Outside Scavenger Hunt

Let’s go for a walk outside and see what we can see! Any day is a great day to get outside, but may we suggest heading out on April 5th? That’s National Walking Day! You already know we love going for walks from our song Let’s Go For A Walk Outside, so you might not... Read more »

Bubble Snake
Bubble Snake

The bubble snake is a super fun and simple way to up your bubble game! It’s easy to make, using items you probably already have around the house, and it provides tons of fun for little ones. You can use the bubble snake outside, or try using bath friendly soaps for an exciting experience during... Read more »

Ten Treetop Family Activities
Ten Treetop Family Activities

Welcome to the old oak tree, where our Treetop Family lives! The squirrels, sparrows, raccoons and mice have lots of lovely adventures out here in nature, and we’d love for you to join in, so we put together a list of ten Treetop Family activities for you to enjoy. These activities are perfect for when... Read more »

Summer Activities from Super Simple
Summer Activities from Super Simple

Summer is here! With the warmer weather comes the exciting promise of more outdoor activities and fun that can only be had during the summer months. We have some wonderful Super Simple summer time activities to get you started! Bumble Nums Inspired Popsicles Summer is the perfect time for popsicles! These popsicle flavors are inspired... Read more »

Dinosaur Themed Sensory Play
Dinosaur Themed Sensory Play

Dinosaurs and play dough. The perfect combination for a whole lot of play! Sometimes getting the play dough out with your normal tools is enough to keep your children occupied… and sometimes it’s not! Children without a doubt require some sort of sensory play on a week to week basis. It allows them to switch... Read more »

Let's Clean Up The Park
Let’s Clean Up The Park

Keeping our environment clean is important. Watch as Caitie cleans up her community, not just so that she can play with her friends, but to help the animals too! Let’s do our part to keep our yards and communities clean of garbage.

Walking Through Time Activity: The Age of the Earth
Walking Through Time Activity: The Age of the Earth

By studying rocks, scientists have figured out how long the Earth has been around. And the answer is: a long, long time. The earth is four billion, five hundred and forty million years old, and in that time, it’s been through a lot of changes. By contrast, people have only been around for two or... Read more »

More Circle Time
More Circle Time!

A few months ago I wrote about Circle Time, a great way to keep a group of kids entertained and/or focused. I gave you three Circle Time games to try the next time you find yourself with a group of kids and now I have three more to share! Counting Circle This game is great... Read more »

colored foam soap
Colored Soap Foam

Who doesn’t love a good bubble bath? For little ones, bubbles may be the highlight of bath time, or the reason to get into the bath in the first place! For them, bath time isn’t always about getting clean, but about having fun in the water. And why not? These days, with a great variety... Read more »

Alexander Calder
Alexander Calder and Kinetic Art: Creating Your Own Nature Mobile

Alexander Calder (American abstract sculptor, 1898-1976), was a pioneer of Kinetic Art and is considered by the art world as one of the most important figures of American 20th century sculpture. Born into a family of artists, his grandfather and father were both sculptors and his mother was a painter. From studying mechanical engineering at... Read more »

Leaves Changing Color Experiment
Why Do Leaves Change Color in Autumn?

Every fall, I look forward to the beautiful colours as the green leaves on the trees change to yellow, orange, brown, and red. But why does this happen? To understand why leaves change colour, you need to understand why they’re green to begin with. Most colours in living things are caused by chemicals called pigments.... Read more »

Potion Making with Kids
Potion Making

‘Then she filled up her cauldron and said with a grin, “find something everyone! Throw something in!”’ – Julia Donaldson, Room on the Broom Depending on where you live, Fall/Autumn has fallen on the land. The nights draw in, the sweaters and thermals have been retrieved from the back of the cupboard and the pumpkin... Read more »

edible construction sensory bin
Edible Construction Sensory Bin

Welcome to the Edible Construction Sensory Bin! Today we will be exploring what construction people do through the medium of sensory play! I am yet to meet a child that does not love a tractor, digger, dump truck, bulldozer, fire engine, police car or garbage truck or really any vehicle that is big and has... Read more »

Soap Sculpture Exploration

Barbara Hepworth (1903-1975) Who? A British Sculptor and leading artist in the international art scene. Her career spanned the course of five decades and she was the first female modernist sculptor. She studied and worked alongside the equally infamous British sculptor, Henry Moore. Both were pioneers of the avant-garde movement and method of ‘Direct Carving’.... Read more »

greens at the market
Visiting the Farmers Market with Kids

There is something so wonderful about seeing the world through the eyes of a child. One place I love watching my children’s faces light up with excitement is at local Farmers Markets. The fresh produce, the livestock, the homemade pastries, the fresh iced tea, the little wooden toys made and sold by the same hands,... Read more »

bee keeping
Let’s Learn About Bees

First things first. Some Biology. What is a bee? They are flying insects that are extremely important for humankind and are closely related to ants, wasps, and hornets. There are almost 20,000 species of bee on the planet. Every land surface apart from the Antartica have bees. Bees are crucial for pollination of our flowers,... Read more »

two cars on a ramp
Painting with Cars

Now we are pretty against stereotyping boys and girls. We believe that girls can like blue and play with trucks and tractors, just as boys can like pink and play dress up with fairy wings. However, it is not uncommon to hear Mothers and Fathers of boys say that they find it hard to get... Read more »

Children on a Walk
Scavenger Hunt

How do we know what we know about nature? From observation – looking carefully. Here’s a fun activity to practice your nature observation. What you need: Printouts of these three pages Pen or pencil Clipboard Go to a wild place, like the woods, or a river, or even just a park. Take your time and... Read more »

DIY Carl's Cardboard Car
DIY Cardboard Car

It is Summertime! The kids are off on holiday, playgroups have died down for the break and your children have itchy feet. Stressful right? Well, we are here to help! Here is an easy distraction for them – Carl’s Carwash Cardboard Car! If you, the adult are willing to put in a little bit of... Read more »

Two Children Taking photos
Let’s Go on a Photo Scavenger Hunt

When you go to take a photo of your kid are they the one who always yells “Let me do it!” and grabs your phone away? You may have a budding photographer on your hands. So what do you do to help nurture this creative side of them? A camera seems like a big and... Read more »

Child Stacking Rocks
Let’s Learn about Land Art!

What is it? Land Art or Earth Art is created directly into the landscape. It uses products from the Earth itself and creates something with them. It can be created in situ (right there) or it can be recreated as installations in a gallery. The majority of these works of art are made in the... Read more »

Mother Nature Paint Brushes

Nature. It gives us everything we need to survive. Some remote civilizations still live solely by what they can sow, hunt and make from the ground they live on. Our prehistoric ancestors were knowledgeable in what we could utilize from Mother Nature. Trees gave shelter and were used to create places to dwell, plants and... Read more »

Children Embracing
Circle Time, Anytime!

Picture this: it’s your kids birthday and you have ten very sugar high children to entertain. Or, maybe you’re chaperoning a field trip and you’ve got a long wait and five kids who are dying of boredom. Or perhaps there’s a family gathering and all the cousins are tired of hanging out with the adults... Read more »

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