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Leap Frog

🐸 Ribbit all day long with these froggy friends! Leapfrog is a song of friendship and having fun together.

Hide & Seek (Around The House)
Hide & Seek (Around The House)

Meet Plum, the latest member of Noodle & Pals! Explore different rooms in the house in the third instalment of the popular kids song from Super Simple! Review the words kitchen, bathroom, living room, and dining room as well as counting to ten.

Doctor Doctor
Doctor Doctor

When we are hurt, we go to the doctor and the doctor helps us feel better.❤️‍🩹 Thank you, doctors!

The Animal Alphabet

Learn the name of a different animal for every letter in the alphabet. That’s 26 animals, wow! Approach letters practice in a fun new way to make it memorable. 🐈 🦓 🐊 🐵 🐎

My Quiet Cat
My Quiet Cat

Review the opposites “quiet” and “noisy” in this animals song for the classroom. Practice the nouns cat, dog, mouse, and bird.

I Love You
I Love You

Feel the love with a beautiful melody all about expressing those three super simple and super powerful words: I love you.

Vroom Vroom
Vroom Vroom

Rev up your engines and make cool vehicle sounds with this fun rock and roll song for preschool and beyond!

Five Senses
Five Senses

Simplify reviewing five senses with Noodle & Pals: sight, touch, smell, hearing, and taste.

The Train Song
The Train Song

All aboard! Sing the greatest train song with Rhymington Square and roll along for a fun train trip!

Caitie Says
Caitie Says

“Uh oh! I didn’t say “Caitie says!” Can you beat Ms Caitie at her own game? Follow along and be sure to use your listening skills so you get correct answers!

My Happy Song | featuring Caitie

Can you sing along? It’s time to sing and dance with Caitie in the sunshine! Can you follow along with all of the different dance moves Caitie does? 😃😃😃

Christmas Together | featuring Caitie
Christmas Together | featuring Caitie

It’s Christmas in Caitie’s Classroom! We’re celebrating with Christmas Together – a fan favorite from the holiday album Caitie’s Countdown To Christmas! Stream the full album Caitie’s Countdown To Christmas, a musical celebration for all ages!

Candy Cane Tree
Candy Cane Tree

@RhymingtonSquare are singing a holiday song all about a beautiful candy cane tree! Can you imagine that?

Peekaboo Achoo!
Peekaboo Achoo!

Uh-oh! Peekaboo Cat has the sniffles! Sneeze along to the song, don’t forget your hankie and to wash your hands!

I LIke To Draw
I Like To Draw

Draw colorful shapes with Jelly from Noodle & Pals! Use this song in the classroom to learn about shapes and colors.

What Will You Be For Halloween?
What Will You Be For Halloween?

Noodle & Pals are celebrating Halloween with some cool costumes! Learn the adjectives silly, old, spooky, cold, yummy, small, furry, tall and lots more!


Boo! Learn the alphabet with Caitie… but watch out for those spooky ghosts! ABC Boo is a helpful game for learning the alphabet. When we replace a letter with a ghost, we isolate each letter so the focus is on the individual letters instead of the alphabet song as a whole. This song helps students... Read more »

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