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As Quiet As A Mouse
As Quiet As A Mouse

As quiet as a mouse. As loud as a lion. As big as an elephant! This song introduces descriptive adjectives, animals, and similes all in one super fun song for kids.

Who Took The Cookie? (Under The Sea)
Who Took The Cookie? (Under The Sea)

Finny’s friends are playing a game of Who Took The Cookie From The Cookie Jar. Who do you think took the cookie? The seahorse, the starfish, the octopus, the walrus, the dolphin, or the crab? Let’s play and find out!

The Alphabet Swing (Lowercase Version)
The Alphabet Swing (Lowercase Version)

Hop on a rollercoaster and sing along to this fun ABCs song for kids, “The Alphabet Swing”! It’s a great alphabet song that gives young learners a chance to sing their ABCs in a whole new way. Let’s sing!

The Muffin Man
The Muffin Man

With the help of his dad, Tobee made a special treat for Caitie: warm, delicious muffins! Caitie is so impressed that she calls him the Muffin Man. But Tobee has no idea who that is. So, Caitie teaches him the popular nursery rhyme “The Muffin Man” and guess who shows up at the door? Watch... Read more »

Put On Your Boots
Put On Your Boots

It’s coooooollld outside! Better get bundled up! Sing along to this winter-y version of the original Super Simple Song “Put On Your Shoes”. Put on your boots, coat, scarf, and hat! This song is great for learning the name of winter clothes and practicing the phrases “Put on your _____.” and “Hurry up!”

The Alphabet Swing
The Alphabet Swing

Come along on a rollercoaster ride as we sing the ABCs in “The Alphabet Swing.” This Super Simple alphabet song is great alternative to the standard Alphabet Song, giving young learners a chance to sing their ABCs in whole new way. Let’s sing!

What's Your Name?
What’s Your Name?

Get up and move with Noodle & Pals on this greetings song for kids, What’s Your Name?! 🎶Hello, Hello, What’s your name? My name is Noodle. My name is Blossom. Nice to meet you 🎶

Three Little Kittens
Three Little Kittens

Uh oh! These three little kittens have lost their mittens! Sing along with this gentle and loving version of the classic nursery rhyme from the Mother Goose collection.

The Wheels On The Bus (Mr. Monkey Version) The wheels on the bus go round and round. Round and round. Round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round. Round and round. The door on the bus goes open and shut. Open and shut. Open and shut. The door on the bus goes open and shut. Open and shut. The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish. Swish swish swish. Swish swish swish. The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish. Swish swish swish. The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep. Beep beep beep. Beep beep beep. The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep. Beep beep beep. The people on the bus go up and down. Up and down. Up and down. The people on the bus go up and down. Up and down. The engine on the bus goes, “Vroom vroom vroom. Vroom vroom vroom. Vroom vroom vroom.” The engine on the bus goes, “Vroom vroom vroom. Vroom vroom vroom.” The bell on the bus goes, "Ding ding ding. Ding ding ding. Ding ding ding." The bell on the bus goes, "Ding ding ding. Ding ding ding.”
The Wheels On The Bus (Mr. Monkey Version)

Mr. Monkey is done fixing up the city bus and now it’s time to go for a ride! Sing along to this Super Simple version of the classic nursery rhyme with with Mr. Monkey and friends!

Five Little Elves
Five Little Elves

Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! Practice counting down from 5 to 1 with the five little elves as they go out for a ride with Santa on his sleigh. Santa’s Secret Message: TI Collect the letters to discover a message from Santa using the Super Simple Christmas Advent Calendar!

Down In The Deep Blue Sea
Down In The Deep Blue Sea

Dive down into the deep blue sea with Finny The Shark and friends. You’ll see a fish, an octopus, a whale, a shark, a jellyfish, and a starfish! This song is great for learning the names of different sea animals.

Peekaboo, Thank You
Peekaboo, Thank You

Peekaboo! Thank You! It’s that time of year for giving thanks and Peekaboo Cat is playing peekaboo all around the Thanksgiving feast!

Five Little Ghosts
Five Little Ghosts

Enjoy this spooky twist on “Five Little Ducks”. This Halloween song from Super Simple Songs is great for practicing subtraction and counting down from 5. Happy Halloween everyone!

A Sailor Went To Sea
A Sailor Went To Sea

Each verse in this classic kids’ song gets harder and harder, making it super fun to sing! And while singing about the sailor’s adventures, we also learn the names of some very cool sea creatures. Like a seahorse, a jellyfish, a turtle, an octopus, a baby shark, and a blue whale?! Phew!


Sing along with Noodle & Pals as they move and groove, while learning the names of parts of the body. This song introduces the body parts, head, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, teeth, chin, cheeks, neck, chest, back, stomach, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, legs, knees, feet, and toes!


Get ready to MOVE! Move to the left. Move to the right. Wiggle your fingers, raise your arms, turn around, and touch your toes! This TPR song is great for a brain break or to review action verbs and parts of the body.

Pink Purple Orange Brown
Pink Purple Orange Brown

Sing along with The Bumble Nums in this fun follow up to the colors song, Red Yellow Green Blue! This time, learn about the colors pink, purple, orange, and brown with Stumble, Grumble, and Humble. After singing the song, go on a color hunt and see what kind of pink, purple, orange, and brown things... Read more »

Once I Caught A Fish Alive
Once I Caught A Fish Alive

“Once I Caught A Fish Alive” is a classic nursery rhyme that is great for practicing counting to ten. Pair this song with a magnet fishing game for some great counting practice!

My Yellow Car
My Yellow Car

Let’s go for a drive! Buckle up! We can go to the store and buy some fruits and vegetables. This song is fun for learning and reviewing colors, talking about fruits and vegetables, and using the phrase “Let’s go for a drive!”

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