♫ Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water ♫

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♫ Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water ♫
Did you ever see cat wearing a hat? How about a goat rowing a boat? Well you can in this video for the classic children’s song, Down By The Bay!
Sing along with Milo in this original song for children all about things you like to do!
Here’s a new version of one of our favorite circle time songs for children, Rock Scissors Paper. Sing along and let’s see what fun things we make with our hands!
Join in the fun and learn to count from 1 to 10 with this numbers song for kids, “10 Little Airplanes”! “1 little, 2 little, 3 little airplanes. 4 little, 5 little, 6 little airplanes. 7 little, 8 little, 9 little airplanes. 10 little airplanes….whooosh!”
The pesky little rain cloud follows these ants wherever they go. Where will they hide?! The Ants Go Marching is a super fun children’s song that’s great to practice rhyming and counting!
Do you know The Muffin Man? This Super Simple take on the classic children’s song, “The Muffin Man”, also introduces the Ice Cream Man and the Fruit Stand Man!
One of the most important daily routines in any child’s life is brushing their teeth. It can be a challenge for parents to encourage their children to brush regularly (and for the correct amount of time). This original song aims to give parents a helping hand in encouraging their children to keep their teeth sparkly... Read more »
This Super Simple take on the classic, Alice The Camel, is great for teaching counting and also learning animal names. How many humps does Alice the Camel have? How many ears does Ruby the Rabbit have? How many toes does Sally the Sloth have? There’s also Felix the Fox, Lily the Ladybug, Andy the Ant,... Read more »
Peek-a-boo! We see you! And we hope you’ll sing the peekaboo song with us! Where is kitty cat hiding? Can you find her? Let’s play peek a boo!
It’s Little Robin Redbreast vs. Kitty Cat in this Super Simple version of this classic kids song. Be careful Kitty Cat!
10 Stegosauruses! 10 Triceratopses! 10 Pterodactyls! 10 Brontosauruses! And 10 Tyrannosaurus Rex! Wow! This Super Simple counting song introduces the numbers 1-10 and also some very cool dinosaur names! Can you say them all?!
Apples & Bananas is a super fun kids song and is great for playing with English vowel sounds. Ballet dancing bananas, twirling apples, and lots of silly fun! Join our friendly monster friends and sing along!
😎 It’s the Mr. Sun song from Super Simple Songs!
Baby Shark, Mama Shark, Papa Shark, Grandma Shark, and Grandpa Shark are out for a family swim and Baby Shark tries and tries to catch the little fishies but his skills aren’t yet up to the task. Just when he thinks he finally has them a (very big) friend of the little fishies steps in... Read more »
Who doesn’t love ice cream?! In this song, we explore counting up to 10 with everyone’s favorite treat, ice cream! Join these three friends as they dance their way through the ice cream parlor ordering up scoops of their favorite flavors. Yum!
Five little speckled frogs, sat on a speckled log, eating some most delicious bugs. YUM YUM! The Super Simple version of the classic children’s song is gently paced and lovingly animated. It’s a great numbers song for introducing subtraction as the five little frogs jump into the water one by one. Watch out little bugs!
How Many Fingers is a super simple kids song to practice counting with your fingers and toes! Sing along with the friendly monsters 😬
“The Skeleton Dance” is a super fun song for learning parts of the body. It’s great for singing and dancing along with at Halloween, or anytime of the year!
Being a mama duck and keeping track of all your ducklings is hard work! As they wander off to explore the world, mama duck gets worried. Will they come home? Watch until the end for a surprise splash that leaves mama duck quacking with joy!
Here’s the perfect song to learn and review your ABCs with Noodle & Pals!! But watch out, each time through gets a little faster. Can you keep up!?
♫ Hide and seek. Hide and seek. Let’s play hide and seek. ♫
“This Is The Way” is the perfect song to start the day! Wash your face, comb your hair, brush your teeth, get dressed, and go to school. Great for familiarizing kids with daily routines!
What’s inside the mystery box? Sing along with this Super Simple Songs for kids. Great for young learner classrooms.