How To Teach Super Simple Songs

How To Teach Monster Party

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Caitie is sharing helpful tips for learning in the classroom or at home using the song Monster Party from Super Simple Songs! She sings the song and gives us ideas for movements, too! This song is great for a Halloween party or a movement break in the classroom!

Try these ideas in the classroom or at home!

  • There are movement instructions within the song, so just press play and follow the instructions!
  • Use this song when playing freeze dance at a Halloween party!
  • Play this song at the beginning of class to manage energy levels during the Halloween season. We love using a high-energy song so children that come to school with more energy can burn some of it off, and children who might feel sleepy have a chance to move some energy around. Afterward, everyone is more on the same page and ready to learn.
  • Imagine what a monster party might be like! Ask your students what party things might be there or what kind of things might they see. Just be sure to let them know that all the monsters at this party are super friendly.
  • Try throwing your own monster party in the classroom! You can make monster masks to wear at the party, and make monster-themed snacks! Then you can put on Monster Party and dance dance dance.

More resources for this song (1)