How To Teach Super Simple Songs

How To Teach My Yellow Car

We are sharing some teaching tips for one of our popular preschool songs for kids, “My Yellow Car”! This song is fun for learning and reviewing colors, talking about fruits and vegetables, and using the phrase “Let’s go for a drive!” Watch as Caitie shares some fun activity ideas that you can use to teach this original song from Super Simple Songs.

Try some of these ideas in the classroom or at home!

  • My Yellow Car is a wonderful song for exploring colors. Use it as a part of your colors theme to introduce color vocabulary or to review colors. It can be used with other songs about colors, like What’s Your Favorite Color? and I See Something Blue.
  • This is also a great song to explore fruits and vegetable vocabulary, or to use in a theme about food. It can be used to introduce vocabulary or for review. It can be used along with other songs about food like, Are You Hungry? and Apples And Bananas!
  • In this song, each color is represented by a kind of fruit or vegetable.Try giving your students some fruit and vegetable props to sort into colors. They can be real food items, toy food, or even food flashcards. Have your students match the food items to the correct color, or sort them into different colors.
  • For a fun and active activity, place a basket of colorful fruits and vegetables on a desk at the front of the classroom. Have students each take a turn standing up and pick a color for their car and what they want from the basket. “I’m going for a ride in my purple car, I’m going to buy some grapes!” The color of the item they pick should match the color of their car. Then have them come up to the basket, pick up the item and go back to their desk. Continue until everyone has had a turn or until the basket is empty.
  • You can also have your students go on a color hunt around the room using the same idea – each student has to pretend to drive around the room in a certain color car and find something that matches.
  • For more vocabulary practice, hold up pictures of different colored cars (or toy cars). Ask your students what they can buy if they were driving this car and see how many things they can come up with that are that color. You don’t have to limit yourself to food items in this game – let them be creative and silly!
  • Role play going to the store and buying something. This song is a great introduction to the concept of money and teaching children about shopping for items.