How To Teach Super Simple Songs

How To Teach We Wish You A Merry Christmas

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Caitie is sharing tips for using the preschool song “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” in the classroom and at home for lots of fun learning with little ones. She has lots of great ideas! And she’ll lead us through the song using gestures – an excellent way to introduce a song to children. In our version of “We Wish You A Merry Christmas”, we added in action verb vocabulary to make it a fun movement song.

Try these ideas in the classroom or at home!

  • This is a great song to manage energy levels at Christmas time! This song has a lot of actions, so students with a lot of energy can burn some of it off, and students who are a little tired can move some energy around.
  • Try singing this song without the music and adding in other actions. See what new movements your students come up with to try!
  • Once your students are familiar with the song, try picking one student to be the leader and they can come to the front of the class to lead everyone else in the actions. You can have them wear a Santa hat and pretend to be Santa telling his elves to jump, clap and stomp.
  • This is also a great lead into a simple Simon Says game, but instead of Simon, play Santa Says! The student who is Santa can wear a Santa hat and use actions from the song as you play!

More resources for this song (1)