How To Teach Super Simple Songs

How To Teach We’re Going To The Reindeer Games


Caitie is sharing helpful tips for learning in the classroom or at home using the song We’re Going To The Reindeer Games from Super Simple Songs! She sings the song and shows us gestures for the key vocabulary words, too! This such a fun song to sing during the holidays and it’s a great way to teach the names of Santa’s reindeer!

Try these ideas in the classroom or at home!

  • Use this song to teach and review the names of the reindeer!
  • Host your own reindeer games in the classroom! Each student can pretend to be one of the eight reindeer or make up their own reindeer name. Then everyone can have a friendly competition as you play different party games, and cheer for everyone!
  • Bring the song to life with our fun We’re Going To The Reindeer Games play set! You can make the playset as a class and have your students play different reindeer as you act out the song!
  • Try making a reindeer games board game with your class. Create a game board from a big piece of paper by making squares that lead to different events in the reindeer games, like archery, tennis, and running. You can use the printable for the playset to make game pieces out of the reindeer. Take turns rolling the dice and counting the squares as you move your reindeer through the games. The first reindeer to reach the end wins! But be sure to keep playing until all the reindeer have made it past the finish line, that way everyone can celebrate at the end together just like in the music video. This is a great activity to do as a group and to get in some fun counting review as you play.

More resources for this song (1)