What could make bedtime a little more relaxing and memorable? Shadow puppets, of course. These woodland animals are featured in our song “Beddy-Bye Butterfly”, which you can enjoy at bedtime as a song, a video and an interactive storybook in the Super Simple App. Follow along with the song and shine your flashlight to create these shadow puppets one by one. Beddy-bye, Butterfly.
Things you’ll need

- Printed Resource Sheet
- Scissors
- Paper straw or skewer
- Tape
- Flashlight

Cut out all of the animals from the printed resource sheet.


Tape your straws or skewers to the back of the cutout animals.

Point the flashlight at the cutout shape, adjusting the distance until the image comes into focus.
High above the forest
in the night sky.
The stars are shining brightly,
time for beddy-bye.
Star flew down to Owl,
who hooted and said,
“Let’s say good night to all our friends
and put them all to bed.”
Beddy-bye, butterfly
tuck into your flower.
Dream butterfly dreams
‘till the morning hour.
Beddy-bye, baby bear
lay down in your den,
until the sun rises
and it’s morning again.
Beddy-bye, bunny rabbit
close your eyes and dream
of all the games tomorrow
we will play by the stream.
Beddy-bye, little squirrel
curl up in your nest.
You gathered acorns all day long
and now it’s time to rest.
Beddy-bye, slith’ry snake
curl up nice and tight.
We’ll meet again tomorrow
in the early morning light.
Beddy-bye, tiny turtle
rest inside your shell.
Slowly you will fall asleep.
We hope that you sleep well.
Beddy-bye, friendly frog.
Let’s not make a sound.
In the morning you will ribbit
and hop all around.
Beddy-bye, little bird.
Though the night seems long,
soon it will be morning
and we’ll wake to your song.
Now we’ve said good night
to our friends near and far.
Beddy-bye to you, Owl.
Beddy-bye to you, Star.
#kidscrafts #shadowpuppets #bedtime #artsandcrafts
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