Capture the peaceful feeling of the holiday season with a cozy candle craft. These flame-free candles make perfect Christmas decorations that can be treasured throughout the years. Personalize them with your favorite colors and themes. We went classic with some sprigs of holly and pretty poinsettias. This project pairs perfectly with our Christmas playlist in the background. Now let’s get crafty and, of course, cozy.
Things you’ll need

- Paper tubes
- Craft glue gun
- Construction paper
- Tissue paper (flame)
- Jar lid
- Scissors
- Pencil
- Stickers
- Ribbon
- Paint brush

Trim the paper tubes to the height you would like for your candles. You can make a variety and group them together.

Next, trace the end of the tube onto construction paper and cut out the circle. This will be the top of the candle.

Adult part: using a glue gun, carefully add hot glue to the underside of the circle and place it on top of the tube.

Next, add hot glue around the top edge to cover any gaps. Allow the glue to drip down the side of the tube for a realistic look.

Once the candle is completely dry, paint it with any color you like. We are using a very cool gold paint for this holiday look.
Pro tip: you can highlight the top of the candle with some white paint to make the wax look freshly melted and add extra dimension.

Once dry, glue the candle to a base. You can use a jar lid, a yogurt lid, or a small paper plate.

Use the end of your pencil to pierce a hole into the top of your candle. Cut out two small squares of tissue paper to make flames. We recommend yellow and white tissue, but get creative.

Layer the two pieces of tissue paper together, fold them around the end of your pencil, and push them into the hole. Leave some tissue poking out. You see? A candle flame!

Add some beautiful ribbon or paint a design to decorate the candle base.

Let’s make some Christmas foliage! To start, fold a piece of green construction paper in half. Draw one half of a leaf along the folded edge. Cut out the leaves.

Layer the leaf tips and glue them to the base of the candle. Make pine needles, holly leaves, and red berries.

To make a poinsettia, fold a piece of red construction paper the way you would fold it to make a snowflake.

Cut out one petal and unfold your flower to reveal a beautiful poinsettia. Dip the end of a pencil in yellow paint and dot it in the center of your flower.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
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