Let’s give our community helpers a high five! Community helpers are the people who live and work in our communities, and help keep them happy, safe, and healthy. We see them every day! They are our doctors, police officers, construction workers, farmers, and fire fighters! Also, teachers, nurses, bakers, mail carriers, bus drivers, plumbers, librarians – anyone who helps keep our neighbourhood a safe and happy place to live.
Keep an eye out for community helpers where you live, and be sure to thank them for their incredible work. Try this simple craft at home to celebrate those hard workers of our community, and you can give them a big, artsy high-five!
Things you’ll need:

- Community helpers resource sheet (include the hats for each community helper!)
- Glue stick
- Craft paint
- Paint brush
- Scissors
- Construction paper for background and faces
- Round circle to trace for faces – bottle cap works well!
- Black marker

With a paint brush paint your hand with craft paint. Spread your fingers nice and wide and stamp onto a piece of construction paper, then set aside and leave to dry.

Cut out the hats from the printed resource sheet, or try making your own to explore different community helpers. Take the bottle cap, or something to make a circle, and trace five circles. Then cut them out.

Glue the round circles onto each finger tip. Then glue the hats onto each circle.
Draw faces to each of your community helpers.

Hurray for community helpers! Join Caitie in Caitie’s Classroom for more great ideas and activities to help learn about, and celebrate our community helpers!
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