Ahoy, mateys! Yarrr! All aboard the pirate ship for some crafty fun. We set sail soon, so batten down the hatches, grab your craft supplies, and get ready to heave ho!
(That’s pirate talk for “let’s make some pirate hats together! Let’s get started!”)

- 2 sheets of black construction paper
- Colorful construction paper for feathers
- Pencil crayons
- Glue stick
- Scissors
- Tape

Tape the long edges of two sheets of black construction paper together.

Fold both pieces together with the taped edge on the inside and positioned at the top.
Holding these taped-edge corners in two hands, bring both corners down until they meet in the centre. Fold the edges and use tape to help hold corners in place.

Give the hat some shape! Round off the corners of the hat’s brim by drawing a curve and trimming it with scissors, cutting both layers at the same time.

Fold the two flaps up on either side. Glue the brim corners together.

You can decorate your pirate hat with some fancy gold trim or a skull by drawing with pencil crayons. TIP: To make colors really stand out on the black paper, draw with white first and layer other colors on top.

Decorate the hat by adding some feathers . You can make feathers out of construction paper by folding a piece of paper in half. Next, cut out half a leaf shape and trim some feather lines. Open up your feather and glue it inside the hat’s brim.

Add some extra pirate panache by attaching a bandana! Size some construction paper to the bottom width of the hat.

Draw your bandana shape and glue it to your hat. You can add a piece of yarn to secure the pirate hat to your little one’s head.

Yarrr! You’re ready to set sail on the high seas, Captain! Have fun on your pirate adventures!
Still in a piratey mood? Check out Captain Seasalt & The ABC Pirates as they discover the alphabet archipelago and learn about nature, animals, and the ABCs!
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