Let’s go camping! Caitie loves to camp in the great outdoors, but she also has some great ideas for having a pretend camping experience at home. With this simple cut and paste activity, you can make a camping craft to complete your at home camping trip. Use our printable to add a few surprises in your picture, or add your own photo! You can even switch out the creatures hidden behind the flaps to discover new animals. Little ones will love exploring their outdoor picture and making their own camping scene. Let’s go to it!
Things you’ll need

- Craft printable – optional
- Construction paper – we used green, brown, dark blue, and orange for the tent
- Pencil
- White craft paint
- Scissors
- Glue stick
- Ruler
If using, cut out all of the items from the craft printable. Alternatively, you could use your own photo, or cut out animals from a magazine, or try drawing your own!

To make the tent, fold a sheet of construction paper in half – you can make your tent any color you like. With the folded edge at the top, mark the top centre point, and then draw two lines down to the corners forming a large triangle shape.

Cut out both layers to make two triangles the same size. Cut a line up from bottom center on one of the triangles to make the tent flaps.

Cut strips of brown construction paper to make the tree trunks and branches. Draw and cut out three larger tree foliage shapes on a green piece of construction paper and three smaller shapes. The smaller shapes will be the flaps that hide each animal.

Glue the tree trunks and branches into place on the dark blue construction paper. Then glue the large tree top foliage shapes into place.
For the tent, glue the full triangle without the flaps onto the dark blue construction paper first. Fold the tent flaps open on the second triangle and add glue to two side edges. Line up the triangles and glue the second triangle on top of the other to make your tent.

Create big and small stars, dip both ends of a pencil into white paint and stamp it onto the sky.

Draw some lines on the tree trunks and branches with a brown marker to make bark. This makes them look more like trees!

Glue your animals on the tree!

Then add and the smaller tree foliage to cover each animal. Hold the piece into place and fold up to reveal the animal. Glue the folded edge onto the tree to make a flap.

Glue the picture of Caitie and Tobee inside the tent, under the flaps. You can also add a picture of yourself and join them camping!

Check out our episode of Tobee Goes Camping for some inspiration for your camping craft! While Tobee is camping for the first time, he has high hopes of seeing an owl. Can you find the owl in your camping craft? There are lots of new sounds you can hear when you go camping… Can you find where the sounds are coming from in the trees? There is always lots to discover and explore in the great outdoors!

For more outdoor fun, check out our songs, crafts, and activities to explore nature!
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