Have you met Finny’s turtle friend yet? Finny the Shark has a super duper sweet friend from school named Myrtle. In real life, some turtles and sharks are friends! In a coral reef we can see all sorts of wildlife living together and making up intricate ecosystems.
This turtle craft is pretty easy to make and compliments a lesson about the ocean or any underwater themes. We hope you make Myrtle down in the deep blue sea!

Things you’ll need
- Disposable bowl
- 3 shades of green craft paint
- Green construction paper
- Large googly eyes
- Green marker
- Scissors
- Paint brush
- Cotton swab
- Glue stick

To get started, paint the underside of your bowl with a light shade of green. Paint the edge of the bowl with a darker shade of green, adding a small arch where the neck will be. Set your bowl aside to dry completely.

Now it’s time to cut out the green shapes you will need out of construction paper. Using your green marker, draw a triangle for the tail, a rectangle that bends for the neck and a circle for the head. Fold the bottom of your green construction paper in half and draw a small flipper shape and a larger flipper shape. When you cut them out, you will have two of each.

This is what all of your shapes will look like once you cut them out!

Once your bowl is dry, you can start to assemble your turtle. Make a small cut into the bowl so the turtle’s neck will slide in place easily. Flip the bowl over and glue the extra neck length to the inside of the bowl to ensure it stays in place.

You can attach the flippers and tail by folding over the extra construction paper and glueing it down securely to the inside of your bowl.

Make the spots on Myrtle’s shell by stamping some green paint on the bowl with a cotton swab. Every turtle is different so be creative!

Glue the large googly eyes in place and draw Myrtle’s smile and nostrils with a green marker.

Sing along with Myrtle in the Super Simple hit Down In The Deep Blue Sea!
Subscribe to the Finny the Shark YouTube channel so you never miss an underwater adventure with Myrtle!
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