We love colors, shapes, and the wonderful sun! The sun is an amazing star in our solar system – it provides life-giving light, heat, and energy to Earth, so let’s celebrate it with this simple and colorful suncatcher craft. It’s a great way to practice colors and shapes while you create with your little one, and you’ll have a beautiful decoration to hang and enjoy. You might end up making one for every window! They also make wonderful handmade gifts for anyone who might need a little sunshine in their life.

Things you’ll need

- Construction paper
- Clear contact paper – clear paper that is sticky on one side
- Tissue paper
- Scissors
- Marker

Fold a piece of construction paper in half and draw half of a symmetrical shape. You can draw a flower, heart, butterfly, or picture frame. In this example, we made a butterfly! Draw another outline of the shape within the original shape making a border that is about ¾’ thick.

Cut out the shape around the outside and then cut out the inside.

Lay your cut out shape on top of the clear contact paper with the backing – it shouldn’t be sticky yet! With a marker roughly outline the shape onto the paper backing.

Cut out the shape from the contact paper.

Carefully peel away the backing from contact paper with the sticky side facing up, and stick the cutout shape onto the sticky side of the contact paper. Reapply the contact paper backing the sticky side is protected. Then flip it over and trim any excess contact paper that goes beyond the outside edge of the cutout shape.

We are going to use tissue paper to fill in our suncatcher! To make your tissue paper pieces, layer your tissue paper so you cut many pieces at the same time. Try cutting out different shapes like circles, squares, hears and stars.

When you are ready, remove the contact paper backing so it is once again sticky. Place the tissue paper pieces onto the sticky paper until it is all covered! Turn it over to see your beautiful suncatcher!

Add a ribbon to your suncatcher to hang by a window or use some tape to stick it directly onto a window. When the sun shines through the suncatcher you can see all the beautiful layered colors.

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