Caitie's Classroom

Amazing Bugs!

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Welcome to the classroom! We love to play, learn, create and sing together in the classroom, and we’d like to encourage our classroom friends to keep learning and playing at home once Caitie’s Classroom is over. We’ve put together activities and resources so the playing, learning, creating and singing doesn’t have to stop once Caitie says goodbye. Try these out at home or in your own classroom, and have fun!

In this episode we are exploring amazing bugs! There are so many incredible kinds of bugs and insects. Did you know that all insects have six legs? Did you know that there are more bugs in the world than there are people? A lot more! Join Caitie in the classroom, and then recreate the activities and craft from the classroom at home for more learning and more fun, all about bugs!

Afraid Of Bugs?

If your little one is afraid of bugs, watching this episode is a great place to start to overcome those fears. Caitie speaks about how some people are afraid of bugs, and gives some tips to feel better about it. Near the end of the episode, we also read a story about Little Miss Muffet who didn’t care for bugs herself! Here are some other tips that you might like to try.

  • Talk to your little one about their feelings. You can tell them that bugs are more afraid of us than we are of them. Bugs might be curious about it, but usually they won’t hurt us. Try to be calm and watch them without bothering them, and they won’t bother you.
  • Talk about the importance of bugs. They are an important part of the intricate web of life and we need them. They are a part of all living things.
  • Do your best to model calm behaviour. Children often look to the grown ups for how to behave. If you are not afraid, they might be less afraid too. Try to face their fear gently, observing with them and show that they won’t bother you.
  • Do let your little ones know that if you don’t know what kind of bug it is, it is best to leave it alone and give it a lot of room for it to do it’s thing.

Counting & Movement

Exploring bugs is a great opportunity to practice counting and to do some fun movements.

  • Follow along with Caitie in the classroom as she counts and moves like different bugs.
  • You can try counting different things on different bugs, using these bug flashcards. Count how many bugs, count the legs, and count the spots on the ladybug, like we do in the classroom. Then try moving like the different bugs.
  • Practice counting and writing with our Amazing Bugs Count & Write worksheet. Count the spots on the ladybug and write in the correct number.

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Itsy Bitsy Spider is the perfect song to sing when exploring bugs!

Discovery Bin – Bugs!

Amazing Bugs!

Let’s dig in the discovery bin and find bugs! Here are some ideas for your own buggy discovery bin.

  • Fill a bin with some dirt or other sensory material. We used potting soil purchased from a garden store. Then put in some rocks, sticks, leaves, and other items from outside. Now add your toy bugs for your little ones to find! Try hiding them under rocks and leaves, or in the dirt. Give your little ones some small shovels and other gardening tools to dig in the dirt with!
  • You can also get your gardening tools and dig in the garden! See what bugs you find in the ultimately discovery bin!
  • Instead of making a discovery bin, try hiding toy bugs around the classroom or playroom for your little ones to find. If you don’t have any toy bugs, you can use our bug flashcards!
  • Gather up a bunch of rocks and put a picture of a bug underneath the rock. Our bug flashcards work well for this too! Have your little one lift them up to discover the bug underneath!
  • Once you have found all the bugs, anyway you like to do it, be sure to count all the bugs you found and talk about the colors you see. Do you know what kind of bug it might be? Does it fly? How many legs does it have? If it has six legs, it is an insect!

Rock Bug Craft

Amazing Bugs!

Our craft in this episode is making rock bugs!

Cambridge Butterfly Conservatory Field Trip

In this episode we take a field trip to the Cambridge Butterfly Conservatory and meet some incredible bugs. Our friend Jenn shares some very interesting things about the bugs we see, and we even get to hold a few of them!

  • Try visiting a place near you where you can get close up to bugs in a safe way. Nature museums, nature centers, parks, butterfly gardens or conservatories and nature conservatories might have options in your area!

Little Miss Muffet

Little Miss Muffet doesn’t care for the spider who visited her in this story, but she learns they were friendly after all.

  • Watch our full animated episode of Paper Puppet Playhouse Presents: Little Miss Muffet.
  • Once you are familiar with the story, try acting it out with your little one. One person can be Little Miss Muffet, and another can be the spider. Or trying acting it out using a toy spider. The spider can try drawing out a web and a special message to become friends with Little Miss Muffet at the end!

We hope you have fun singing, playing, learning, and creating! We love to see photos of our friends having fun in the classroom and of their wonderful creations! You can share them with us through social media or by sending us an email to

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