“Hello, Trick Or Treat?” is a perfect song for celebrating Halloween and keeping kids active during this spooky time of the year. Caitie will be sharing some easy-to-follow activity ideas on how to teach this popular and original kids song from Super Simple Songs!
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Milo wants to be an ice cream sales-monster when he grows up. Tobee wants to be a dentist to keep everyone’s teeth bright and clean! What do you want to be when you grow up?
Join Caitie and sing along to the classic children’s song, “Head Shoulders Knees And Toes”! Can you sing it faster and faster?
Tobee had a great time downtown. He mostly enjoyed seeing a police offer directing the traffic flow at a busy intersection.
The kids at the carnival have accidentally covered Rodney’s roller-coaster with their candy! Can Carl’s Car Wash clean a roller-coaster? Watch and see!
Sing along with Caitie in singing “My Yellow Car”, a super fun colors song all about going for a drive to the store and buying something delicious to eat!
“Hello Hello!” is a perfect song for exploring action vocabulary and keeping kids active during circle time. Caitie will be sharing some easy-to-follow activity ideas on how to teach this popular and classic kids song from Super Simple Songs!
Sam and Catherine’s safari jeep is disguised as a big friendly lion, but when a lion comes to greet the jeep, it gets covered in lion fur! Can Carl clean the safari jeep?
In this video, Caitie shares some simple ideas for how to teach the Super Simple Song, “Are You Sleeping, Baby Bear?” to young learners.
Close your eyes take a deep breath. Now, breathe out and sing along with Caitie and this sweet and original kids song from Super Simple Songs, “Everything Is Going To Be Alright”! This is a perfect song for comforting kids when they are feeling upset.
Tobee took a bus ride to visit his grandmother. He loved the ride, and he was excited to see the wheels on the bus go round and round! What do you like about taking a bus ride?
When Sully’s school bus drives over a bumpy road, the kids drop their school snacks out the windows and all over the side of the bus! Can Carl clean Sully’s vehicle before school is out?
Stretch your arms and shake your legs and get ready to join Caitie for a quick walk in the neighborhood and sing along with this fun song for kids from Super Simple Songs, “Let’s Go For A Walk Outside”!
Caitie from Caitie’s Classroom is sharing some teaching tips for one of our popular songs for kids, “Open Shut Them #3”! This is a great song for teaching MORE opposites.
Hop on Milo’s pretend bus with Tobee and sing along to this popular nursery rhyme, “The Wheels On The Bus”!
Green light, go! Red light, stop! Let’s play freeze dance with Caitie and sing along to the Super Simple Song, “Red Light, Green Light!”
Dive down into the deep blue sea with Caitie from Caitie’s Classroom and pick up some fun activity ideas on how to teach this original and super fun song from Super Simple Songs.
Sir Harold and his horse Sassafras are to compete in the jousting tournament, but Sassafras won’t participate until his horse trailer gets cleaned up! Can Carl clean Sir Harold’s vehicle?
Let’s dive down into the deep blue sea with Caitie and sing along to this underwater animals song for kids, “Down In The Deep Blue Sea”!
We are learning how to teach the “Driving In My Car” song for kids. This song explores different ways to get around and verb vocabulary for each mode of transportation. For example, driving in my car, rowing in my boat, or flying in my airplane. Caitie will share some simple ideas on how to teach... Read more »
Finny and friends are playing hide and seek on every page of this exciting Super Simple Storybook. There is Sammy, Shelly, Chloe, Oscar, Myrtle, Sandy, Fiona, and Leo! Do you think you can find them all? Is that Shelly laughing? Maybe it’s Leo. Follow along and see if you can find Finny and all the... Read more »
Milo loves cats, and Tobee loves crocodiles! What’s your favorite animal? Is it a dog, an elephant, maybe a gerbil?
We are sharing some teaching tips for one of our popular preschool songs for kids, “My Yellow Car”! This song is fun for learning and reviewing colors, talking about fruits and vegetables, and using the phrase “Let’s go for a drive!” Watch as Caitie shares some fun activity ideas that you can use to teach... Read more »
There’s a lot of amazing things to see in the sea! Join Caitie and sing along with this classic nursery rhyme from Super Simple Songs, “A Sailor Went To Sea!” What do you think you will see in the sea, sea, sea? How about a seahorse, a jellyfish, a turtle, an octopus, and a baby... Read more »