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How To Teach If You're Happy
How To Teach If You’re Happy

How do I teach the song “If You’re Happy” to kids while keeping them active and entertained? Caitie demonstrates how to teach this active song for kids that explores different emotions to help kids express themselves. “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands!”

How To Teach Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Speeding Up)
How To Teach Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Speeding Up)

Caitie demonstrates some great tips on how to teach the “Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Speeding Up)” song, and shares some activity ideas for our version of this popular kids song. This is perfect for ESL, EFL, preschool, and kindergarten classes!

How To Teach Five Little Monkeys
How To Teach Five Little Monkeys

Join Caitie as she demonstrates how to teach the “Five Little Monkeys” song for kids, and shares a whole bunch of activities you can do before, during, and after the song to help kids learn how to count down from 5!

How To Teach The Ants Go Marching
How To Teach The Ants Go Marching

The Ants Go Marching is a classic song for young learners that can get a little silly. Its focus on numbers makes it a great song to practice counting and simple math. And, it’s perfect for introducing rhyming words to young learners.

How To Teach The Animals On The Farm
How To Teach The Animals On The Farm

Wondering how to teach the Super Simple Song “The Animals On The Farm”? Join Caitie as she introduces the song, shows you how to lead your classroom in singing the song, and provides some activity ideas to extend on the song.

How To Teach Ten Little Dinosaurs
How To Teach Ten Little Dinosaurs

Wondering how to teach the Super Simple Song “Ten Little Dinosaurs”? Join Caitie as she introduces the song, shows you how to lead your classroom in singing the song, and provides some activity ideas to extend on the song.

How To Teach Count & Move
How To Teach Count & Move

Wondering how to teach the Super Simple Song “Count & Move”? Join Caitie as she introduces the song, shows you how to lead your classroom in singing the song, and shares a whole bunch of activities you can do before, during, and after the song to help kids learn how to count to 20!

Coloring Page
Pirate Ship Journey Line and Color Printables

Ahoy me mateys! We hope you have been enjoying our new pirate series and all the activities that have been coming out with them. We have put together some color by numbers and line practice that compliment the show and get your kids more involved! Before you go ahead and get started with those, we’d... Read more »

How To Teach Counting Bananas
How To Teach Counting Bananas

How do I teach the song “Counting Bananas” to kids? Caitie demonstrates the gestures and shares some activity ideas for this original counting song from Super Simple!

ABC Pirates Promo Image
Arrrgh You Ready to Learn with ABC Pirates?

Super Simple has just released the first three episodes of Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates and parents and teachers everywhere are loving it! ABC Pirates episodes are short, 7-9 minute shows that focus on learning one letter per video. This makes them perfect to introduce a new letter to a child or classroom, with... Read more »

How To Teach Baby Shark
How To Teach Baby Shark

How do I teach the song “Baby Shark” to kids? Caitie demonstrates the gestures for Baby Shark, Mama Shark, Papa Shark, Grandma Shark, Grandpa Shark, and the little fishies. She also shares some activity ideas for the Super Simple version of this popular kids song…doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!

How To Teach Are You Hungry?
How To Teach Are You Hungry?

How do I teach the kids song “Are You Hungry” to kids? Caitie demonstrates the gestures and shares some activity ideas for this original food vocabulary song from Super Simple. Try some of these ideas in the classroom or at home! This is a great song to sing in a group during circle time! The... Read more »

How To Teach Alice The Camel
How To Teach Alice The Camel

How do I teach “Alice The Camel” to kids? Caitie demonstrates the gestures and shares some activity ideas for our version of this popular kids song.

How To Teach Open Shut Them
How To Teach Open Shut Them

How do I teach the nursery rhyme “Open Shut Them” to kids? Caitie demonstrates the gestures and shares some activity ideas for our version of this popular kids song.

How To Teach One Little Finger
How To Teach One Little Finger

How do I teach “One Little Finger” to kids? Caitie demonstrates the gestures and shares some activity ideas for our version of this popular kids song.

How To Teach A Sailor Went To Sea
How To Teach A Sailor Went To Sea

How do I teach “A Sailor Went to Sea” to kids? Caitie demonstrates the gestures and shares some activity ideas for our version of this popular kids song.

How To Teach BINGO

How do I teach “BINGO” to kids? Caitie demonstrates the gestures and shares some activity ideas for our version of this popular kids song.

More Circle Time
More Circle Time!

A few months ago I wrote about Circle Time, a great way to keep a group of kids entertained and/or focused. I gave you three Circle Time games to try the next time you find yourself with a group of kids and now I have three more to share! Counting Circle This game is great... Read more »

Noodle & Pals
Help Kids Use Their Noodle (and Pals)

Noodle and Pals are well loved Super Simple characters and songs that I, as a Speech Language Pathologist, frequently use in speech therapy sessions. I will pick some of my favorites to share ideas for how you can support speech and language development at home all while having fun! Why do I love Noodle and... Read more »

teacher in a classroom
Back to the Classroom – Returning to Work After Mat Leave

I used to feel like parents silently believed I couldn’t fully understand them or their children in my class because I didn’t have children of my own. I was confident in my education and experience and thought I was very empathetic and understanding. But, as I started preparing for going back to work after my... Read more »

santa shark
Fa la la la Language Activities for Christmas

Christmas is such a magical time for children (and many adults- like me!) and as such it can be so beneficial to use these special moments to help kids learn to talk. As a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP), I love using songs to support the language concepts I teach in speech therapy. You can find... Read more »

Mother and Two Children with iPad
Why Speech Language Pathologists Love Super Simple

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, and as a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) it is my favorite time of year because it gets people talking about speech and language development, spreads awareness of hearing and communication disorders, and helps get children much needed early intervention. Speech therapists work on many different communication skills, one... Read more »

child with xylophone
Start the Music!

“Life is one grand sweet song, so start the music.” – Ronald Reagan Music is important for and to children for many reasons. Music, in fact, is with them even before they are born—beginning in utero with the beat and rhythm of Mom’s heart and then, once they are born, they are exposed to the... Read more »

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