Pizza, pizza party! It’s always a party when pizza is on the menu, and now you can party all the time with this pizza craft that doubles as a reusable activity. Making the craft requires some help from a grown up – we do quite a bit of cutting and use a hot glue gun – but little ones will love to play with your pizza craft by making their own pizzas with different topping combinations, and maybe even opening their own pretend pizza shop for some imaginary play! You can store the craft and keep it on hand for whenever the mood strikes for a pizza party! And of course, be sure to play the Super Simple Song Pizza Party when it does!
Things You Need

- Paper plate
- White glue
- Glue gun
- Markers
- Scissors
- Bottle cap (or something circular to trace)
- Felt – various colors for your different toppings! We used a light brown (13”x13”) for the pizza crust, red and white (7.5”x7.5”) for the tomato sauce and cheese, as well as pink, green, yellow, dark brown, orange and black for other toppings!

Let’s make the crust of your pizza! Paint an even coat of white glue into the inside of your paper plate, covering the whole side.

Stick your large light brown felt piece onto the plate by rubbing from the inside out to the outer edge of the plate. This helps the felt stick to the plate without creating air bubbles or ridges.

Flip the plate over and cut the felt around the plate leaving a 3/4” edge of felt around the plate’s edge.

With a glue gun glue, glue the excess felt to the underside of the plate’s rim to complete your crust!
Let’s make some pizza toppings!

To make the tomato sauce, use a marker to loosely trace the inner circle of the paper plate onto your red piece of felt. Then cut out the shape!

To make the cheese, trace another circle onto your white piece of felt and cut it out. Then cut small strips from another piece of felt to make shredded cheese and glue them onto your white circle using a hot glue gun.

To make pepperoni, trace a bottle cap (or something circular) onto a red piece of felt. Cut them out and use a brown marker to make little dots so they look more like pepperoni.

To make mushrooms, draw mushroom shapes onto a brown piece of felt and cut them out.

We also made pineapple, ham, green and orange peppers and olives by cutting shapes from different colored felt. You can make other toppings too!
Pineapples – triangles from yellow felt.
Ham – squares from pink felt.
Peppers – rectangles from green and orange felt.
Olives – circles with the middle cut out from black felt. Once you’ve cut your circle, fold it in half so you can cut out the inner circle out.

Now you are ready for a pizza party!

Let your little one explore and make different pizzas by adding different toppings to the plate. This is a great time to explore shapes and colors! Talk about the colors and shapes of the toppings as they place them on the pizza.

Encourage them to open up their own pretend pizza shop! Pretend to call into the pizza shop and order a pizza, describing the toppings you want. Then have them create the pizza and deliver it to you!

For more pizza inspiration, watch Caitie play in her pretend pizza shop in the classroom in the Caitie’s Classroom episode Yummy Yummy Pizza!

The pizza possibilities are endless! Let’s pizza party!
Once you have your pizza pieces ready to go, pretend to open up your own Pizza Shop and create orders with our Restaurant Pretend Play Order Forms!
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