Monkeys sure love to hang around! What do you love about monkeys? Here are some amazing facts about our monkey friends:
- Monkeys can count
- There are over 260 different species of monkeys in the world
- Monkeys can live up to the age of 50
- Groups of monkeys are known as a troop, tribe, or mission
- Monkeys show their love by grooming each other
Things you’ll need

- 3 sheets of brown construction paper
- One sheet of white construction paper
- Scissors
- Large googly eyes
- Glue stick
- Bowls and bottle caps, various sizes for tracing
- Black marker

Make the monkey’s arms and legs:
First, fold a sheet of brown construction paper into four even lengths and cut them out. Make small cuts along the edges to make the monkey’s fur.

Make the monkey’s body:
Next, trace a large bowl and small bowl to make two different circles. Be sure to cut the edges to make them nice and furry like the arms and legs.

Glue the small circle (head) onto the large circle (body).

Glue the arms and legs to the back of the monkey’s body.

You should end up with something like this!

Make the monkey’s hands and feet:
You will need half a sheet of construction paper. Fold it in half twice, to make four rectangles, and cut them out.

Stack them on top of each other and cut away a wedge on one end to make your monkey’s wrists and ankles.

Cut away some little triangles to make toes and fingers.

Glue four small rectangles in place for monkey thumbs.

Make the monkey’s ears, mouth, and eyes:
Trace and cut out a larger bottle cap on brown paper and a smaller bottle cap on white paper. Glue them together behind the monkey’s head so they stick out.

Trace and cut out a jar lid on the white paper for the mouth. Draw a smile and some nostrils at the top and glue it in place. Glue down your googly eyes, too.

There you have it, a brand new monkey friend to cheer up the classroom or home. Be sure to tag us in your photos on Instagram and Facebook so we can see your hard work!
Have you met Mr. Monkey, Monkey Mechanic yet? He has a great show where he helps his friends fix their vehicles:
Mr. Monkey, Monkey Mechanic
Caitie and Tobee sing Five Little Monkeys. Sing along here:
Five Little Monkeys
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