The Great Big Moon Craft

When you look up to the clear night sky, what do you see? Bright shining stars, maybe a shooting star! And the great big Moon. The Moon orbits around the earth, and it’s surface is rocky and filled with craters. In this craft we use tin foil and layers of paint to make that rough… Read more »

Colorful Dancing Spinners Craft

We love to dance, spin and twirl! And so do these colorful dancing spinner crafts! They are simple to make, fun to play with and you can decorate them anyway you like making all different kinds! Try making different shapes – how does that change the way it spins? Or make different designs and see… Read more »

Hopping Bunny Craft

Hop hop! Who loves to see a bunny hop and nibble a carrot? They are such unique animals, aren’t they? Here are some cool rabbit facts: Bunnies live in groups and some live underground in long tunnels called burrows. Rabbits have super long ears and can hear very, very well. They are herbivores which means… Read more »

Our List of Essential Craft Supplies

We love sharing craft ideas with all of you, and want you to be prepared to get crafty whenever we share an awesome new craft idea, or whenever inspiration strikes you! So we put together a list of our most essential craft supplies so you can stock up and have them at the ready. If… Read more »

Rain Cloud Craft

Spring brings wonderful colors, warmer temperatures and pretty flowers, all because of the rain! Teaching children about weather helps reinforce the seasons which explain how our amazing planet works. Here is a fun rain cloud craft that uses a few different tools and makes a beautiful wall or window display when you’re done. Have fun! … Read more »

Super Simple’s Themes for Fun and Learning at Home

Many of us are finding ourselves at home with children to occupy or teach these days. If you’d like to come up with some fresh ideas for your early learners, you’ve come to the right place! We made this list of themed activities and videos to inspire, motivate, and spark ideas for parents, caregivers and… Read more »

DIY Hand Sanitizer Spray

Nothing can replace hand washing when it comes to staying clean and sanitary, but if you’re out and about it’s a great idea to carry some hand sanitizer just in case. Our spritzer version can be used on hands or surfaces as a quick disinfectant spray. Here’s what you’ll need to make 1 1/3 cups:… Read more »

Paper Plate Swimming Duck Craft

We love ducks: the way they waddle, the way they swim and the way they quack quack quack! It’s fun to teach children about unique parts of the duck. You can point out the duck bill, the webbed feet and how they work like paddles when they swim, and that their feathers are waterproof, how… Read more »

Make Food Fun for Kids with Food Art

We shouldn’t play with our food, but we can make it look really fun! Super Simple has some great resources on nutrition and tips for picky eaters, but this time it’s all about the fun and beauty of food art. We’ve paired each of these food art pieces with a Super Simple Song so you… Read more »

Hanging Around Monkey Craft

Monkeys sure love to hang around! What do you love about monkeys? Here are some amazing facts about our monkey friends: Things you’ll need Steps Make the monkey’s arms and legs:First, fold a sheet of brown construction paper into four even lengths and cut them out. Make small cuts along the edges to make the… Read more »