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Bumble Nums Ep 20 Worksheet Write Thumbnail

The Bumble Nums – Ep 20 – Write

Free Printable

The Bumble Nums need one chunk of moon cheese for their “Out of This World Mooncake.” Help Humble, Grumble, and Stumble get to the moon….

Counting Up To 20

Counting Up To 20


Counting up to twenty is easy and fun with the Roundabouts and their bug friends….

bee keeping

Let’s Learn About Bees


First things first. Some Biology. What is a bee? They are flying insects that are extremely important for humankind and are closely related to ants,…

Let's Count To 100 By Tens

Let’s Count To 100 By Tens

Episode - Milo & Tobee

Tobee and Milo are counting to 100! Let’s count with them. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100!…

Make Your Own Wind Chime

Make Your Own Wind Chime


…which creates electricity. Windmills have been used since 2000 BC! They were first created in China and Persia (now Iran). A small wind turbine has…

Child with Frog

Lifecycle of a Frog


…frogs are also getting sick because of a fungus called BD that is spreading around the world. Pesticides and climate change cause problems for frogs…

Ten Treetop Family Activities

Ten Treetop Family Activities


Welcome to the old oak tree, where our Treetop Family lives! The squirrels, sparrows, raccoons and mice have lots of lovely adventures out here in…