Noodle & Pals Dancing Paper Puppet Craft

Noodle & Pals Dancing Paper Puppet Craft

Who enjoys dancing and singing along to the Noodle & Pals hit “My Happy Song?” We thought they’d have fun being brought to life as paper puppets so they can dance right along with us.

Noodle & Pals Dancing Paper Puppet Craft

Things you’ll need

Noodle & Pals Dancing Paper Puppet Craft
Print and cut out your character and the puller piece.

Noodle & Pals Dancing Paper Puppet Craft
Using your hole punch, punch out the “X” holes on the puppet and puller.

Noodle & Pals Dancing Paper Puppet Craft
Use a push pin to make small holes above the arms and legs. Loop a piece of thread through the push pin holes and trim to 7” (18cm.)

Noodle & Pals Dancing Paper Puppet Craft
Assemble your puppet with round head fasteners, folding down the sides and hiding them behind the body for a clean finish. Make sure they aren’t too tight so the arms and legs can move!

TIP: It will help to lightly tape down your puppet to your work surface for this next part.

First, tie a double knot to attach the arms together with a little room for movement. Repeat this with the legs. Next, connect the arms and the legs to the puller string, leaving some length to pull.

Noodle & Pals Dancing Paper Puppet Craft
Finish your puppet by adding a string to the top of its head!

Noodle & Pals Dancing Paper Puppet Craft
OPTIONAL: Glue some large googly eyes onto the face for extra movement!

Noodle & Pals Dancing Paper Puppet Craft

Now you’re all set to play along to My Happy Song!

Can’t get enough Noodle & Pals? Check out the latest compilation on YouTube!

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