One Meal for the Whole Family

One meal for the whole family: how to not short-order cook and still be successful In Facebook groups for parents, with clients, and among friends, I hear it all the time: Meal times with kids are stressful. We are faced with not only what to fix day after day, but also the confusion of what… Read more »

Octopus Pizza

With summer here, we should celebrate all things sun, fun and sea! And what better way to bring the ocean to life than by making these Octopus Pizzas with your kids at home. Not only are they a creative lunch option, but they also come with a lesson. You can talk about the sea: what… Read more »

Foraging Animals Printable

Spring has arrived and with it, hopefully for most people in the Northern Hemisphere at least, the days are getting longer and the weather more tolerable! We know the temptation of just staying indoors. It’s easier. You don’t have to battle with changing a last minute diaper, battling with boots and waterproof jackets and pants…. Read more »

Rice Cake Flowers

With the ever-growing popularity of platters these days, here is a fun way to create a spring-themed spread perfect for your kids. All you is need is some rice cakes, your favorite hummus, and tons of fresh, cut up vegetables to assemble the cutest Rice Cake Flower Platter!   You can either throw all of the… Read more »

On Migration – DIY Compass!

Winter can be a hard time for animals. It’s cold, and it’s hard to find food. Some animals, like bats and bears, solve this problem by sleeping through the winter. Other animals, especially birds, solve the problem by migration – moving to somewhere warm for the winter, then coming back in the spring. If you… Read more »

Why Speech Language Pathologists Love Super Simple

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, and as a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) it is my favorite time of year because it gets people talking about speech and language development, spreads awareness of hearing and communication disorders, and helps get children much needed early intervention. Speech therapists work on many different communication skills, one… Read more »

Bug Hotel

A home for bugs and creepy crawlies. Whether you like them or hate them, they are part of our world and play an important part in our ecosystem. Like any creature living on our planet, whether that is a human or a bug, we all need somewhere to call home. Creating somewhere for these critters… Read more »

Learning the Value of Money with Milo!

“Children as young as three to five years of age are developing the basic skills and attitudes that lay the foundation for later financial well-being.” – Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Resources for Parents and Caregivers These skills are known as “executive function” and they lay the groundwork for future decision-making by building our capacity to… Read more »

Tips & Tricks for Photographing Children

Landscapes, fashion, animals, there are many challenges in photography but the most challenging subjects to work with are children. Whether it’s a child who won’t sit still or one who’d rather be the photographer than the subject you have to think pretty creatively to get the shot you’re hoping for. Today we’ll look at three… Read more »

Paper Plate Lion

RAAAWR! Next week on Caitie’s Classroom, we’re going to learn all about SOUNDS. Here are the instructions to make your very own lion. Be sure to check out Caitie’s video for a detailed how-to to make your own king of the jungle! Tune into Caitie’s Classroom every Tuesday at 11:00am EST to sing, dance, explore, play… Read more »