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Numbers 1-20 Flashcards

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How many balls is the clown juggling? Practice the numbers 1-20 with these fun, clown-themed flashcards!

Numbers 1-20 Flashcards

Simple Numbers 1-20 Flashcards

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Let’s get started with some counting! These 1 to 20 number cards can be used for a variety of classroom activities. Mix them up and…

Counting From 1 To 20

Learn To Count From 1 To 20

Episode - Super Duper Ball Pit

Learn to count from 1 to 20 with the Super Duper Ball Pit show! Numbers, colors, shapes…The Super Duper Ball Pit is the place to…

Bumble Nums Ep 20 Worksheet Write Thumbnail

The Bumble Nums – Ep 20 – Write

Free Printable

The Bumble Nums need one chunk of moon cheese for their “Out of This World Mooncake.” Help Humble, Grumble, and Stumble get to the moon….

Counting Up To 20

Counting Up To 20


Counting up to twenty is easy and fun with the Roundabouts and their bug friends….

Super Simple Songs In Burma


Our friend and colleague, Sara Wall, recently went to Myanmar (Burma) to volunteer for two weeks at an education monastery in the northern Shan State….

How To Draw Santa


Santa’s Secret Message: EA Collect the letters to discover a message from Santa using the Super Simple Christmas Advent Calendar!…

Let's Count To 100 By Tens

Let’s Count To 100 By Tens

Episode - Milo & Tobee

Tobee and Milo are counting to 100! Let’s count with them. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100!…