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Make Your Own Wind Chime

Make Your Own Wind Chime


…which creates electricity. Windmills have been used since 2000 BC! They were first created in China and Persia (now Iran). A small wind turbine has…

How To Draw Santa


Santa’s Secret Message: EA Collect the letters to discover a message from Santa using the Super Simple Christmas Advent Calendar!…

Super Simple Songs In Burma


…her time between writing and working with students. You can read about her adventures at For more information on upcoming workcamps in Myanmar, contact…

Construction Trucks!

Construction Trucks!

Episode - Caitie's Classroom

…episode are made from cardboard tunes. You can find all the instructions on how to make them here: You can also use leftover cardboard…

Ten Treetop Family Activities

Ten Treetop Family Activities


Welcome to the old oak tree, where our Treetop Family lives! The squirrels, sparrows, raccoons and mice have lots of lovely adventures out here in…