H2Whoa! Painting with Ice Cubes

Art. What is it? It is an age-old question that artists and philosophers have been contemplating, debating and creating since the beginning of human existence. Humanity are a species who cannot help but be creative. It is a tale as old as time. Prehistoric cave people painted their caves, carved bones and made jewellery and… Read more »

Make Your Own Beach Sensory Bin

Four steps to creating a sensory bin: Find a container. They should be shallow. It could be anything like a large plastic food container, under bed plastic box storage or even a water/ sand table on legs. It doesn’t have to be transparent either, though we like it when it is as it adds another… Read more »

Visiting Museums + Galleries with Kids

Visiting anything cultural with your children can be stressful at the best of times. Gone are the days when on a whim you could decide to nip into a museum to gaze upon your favorite painting or sculpture. Remember those moments of peaceful restoration in front of your favorite artwork or hotly anticipated exhibition? For… Read more »

Let’s Learn about Land Art!

What is it? Land Art or Earth Art is created directly into the landscape. It uses products from the Earth itself and creates something with them. It can be created in situ (right there) or it can be recreated as installations in a gallery. The majority of these works of art are made in the… Read more »

Mother Nature Paint Brushes

Nature. It gives us everything we need to survive. Some remote civilizations still live solely by what they can sow, hunt and make from the ground they live on. Our prehistoric ancestors were knowledgeable in what we could utilize from Mother Nature. Trees gave shelter and were used to create places to dwell, plants and… Read more »

What is “Normal” When it Comes to Picky Eating?

If you read the post here on How to Handle a Picky Eater, you hopefully felt empowered to take action in a variety of ways with your picky eater. With advice on where to start when you already feel stuck, this article outlined four main areas parents can begin to work through to better approach… Read more »

Bumble Nums Craft

Which is your favorite Bumble Num: Humble, Grumble or Stumble? Today we’ll make them all using paper plates. We’re going to paint, cut and glue. The best part is that once we’re done creating them we will be able to play with our characters. They will be able to move their arms and legs and… Read more »

Lifecycle of a Frog

You know what frogs look like: they have bulging eyes, webbed feet, long legs for hopping, and often a long tongue for catching flies. But when they’re babies, called tadpoles, they look completely different! They have no legs, but a long tail for swimming and they can breathe underwater like fish. This total change from… Read more »

Circle Time, Anytime!

Picture this: it’s your kids birthday and you have ten very sugar high children to entertain. Or, maybe you’re chaperoning a field trip and you’ve got a long wait and five kids who are dying of boredom. Or perhaps there’s a family gathering and all the cousins are tired of hanging out with the adults… Read more »

Noodle & Pals Wooden Spoon Craft

Bring your favorite Noodle characters to life with these adorable wooden spoon puppets. Now they are ready to play pretend or be apart of a fun puppet show created especially for mom and dad.  Things You’ll Need Steps Start by painting each spoon according to the character’s color. Leave about an inch at the bottom… Read more »